Our story begins in 2014 with a man named Eto’o in a moment of faith sitting down with Edie Nwgese (cofounder) at a restaurant. Eto’o had lost his limb below the knee recently and saw Edie hoping he could help him somehow. This sent Edie on a journey back home in Douglasville, GA to find a way to get this man a prosthesis. After a couple months of closed doors and no one willing to help he met Brent Clark (cofounder) with Hanger Clinic in Hiram, GA. And now an open door to a person willing to help this patient across the world. A plan was developed that a cast would be taken, then that cast delivered to Brent to build the prosthesis. He procured a donated prosthetic feet and the custom prosthetic socket was built for free from the cast and then sent back to Cameroon. It was a success and this got Eto’o back into society becoming a successful businessman. This success has stirred us to turn it into a bigger project in which we now plan yearly trips and our goal is to help 15 to 20 patients every trip.